GE Universal  Remote Codes for Westinghouse TV

Westinghouse TV Codes For GE and Setup

If you recently purchased a Universal GE Remote control, you must be looking for GE universal remote codes for Westinghouse TV. We have listed all the latest GE universal remote codes that work with most remote brands and models. While programming a remote control for your Westinghouse TV, you need to use these GE Universal  Remote Codes for your TV and its programming instructions.

GE Universal  Remote Codes for Westinghouse TV List

Code Type GE Westinghouse TV Codes
GE Codes For Westinghouse TV 0143, 0114
GE CL3 For Westinghouse TV 3241, 3251, 0111, 1901, 2281, 3711, 3851
GE CL4 For Westinghouse TV 5781, 5971, 5981, 3241, 1891, 2141, 0111, 2281
GE CL5 For Westinghouse TV 5781, 5971, 5981, 3241, 1891, 2141, 0111, 2281

If a code doesn’t work while programming the remote, try using alternative codes for the same remote. After successfully programming the remote control, you can enjoy your favorite shows on the TV device.

See also  GE Universal Remote Codes for RCA TV

How To Program Ge Universal Remote For Westinghouse TV 

Ge universal codes support all types of smart devices, including Westinghouse Tv. A separate code list was added for each version, and we said Vivitar universal remote codes for Samsung tv too. For example, if you use a CL5 remote, you must use GE universal remote codes cl5. Note down the remote version before selecting the code from this list. You can see the version number inside the battery compartment of the remote. I will give complete knowledge about remote programming today. Let’s move to the instructions.

Step 1: Prepare the device you want to program with the Ge universal remote. If you’re going to program your Westinghouse TV, turn it on manually.

Step 2: Find the “SETUP” button on the remote. Press and hold it for more than three seconds until the red light illuminate. 

Step 3: Press and release the “TV” button once and enter the code you selected from this list. The TV will turn off. 

See also  iLo TV Universal Remote Codes & Program

Step 4: Check all the buttons on the remote. If your remote works as expected, move to the next step. If not, try to program your remote with the following code.

Step 5: Press and hold the “POWER” button that saves the remote code.

Ensure all cables are correctly plugged into the device when programming Ge universal remote codes for Westinghouse TV. If there is an error or you cannot program your device, leave a comment for us.

About the author


I am Andrew author of this blog I do write articles related to tech and i am expert in programming universal remote with any brand and good at fixing the issues while setup remotes

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